Our Services
Services provided include land preparation services, provision of inputs credit, extension services, shelling service, aggregation, transportation and storage services. The Venture has almost all its demonstration fields and out- grower and in- grower farms at the main Wa to Tumu (Sissala –East) road through Jeffisi.
Commodities: Maize and soybeans.
Marketing Approach Farming
Agricultural inputs services and supplies to farmers
GabAgric provides tailor-made and impact-oriented products and services that enables us to be both economical and socially sustainable. We provide alternative financial products and services; bundled input credit (mechanization + improved seed + fertilizer + crop protection products + extension + guaranteed market) to smallholder farmers through coordinated community level structures.
Our outgrower scheme management and partnership program supports smallholder and viable commercial farmers to engage in soybean and maize farming with yield improvement services such as bundled input credit, extension, mechanization services and competitive market delivered at the farmgate.
GabAgric Ltd interest is focused on getting the best return from his produce, which usually equates to maximum price for unlimited quantities.We are were Manufacturers want least cost, best quality produce from the farmer so that he can sell it at competitive, but profitable, prices. Traders and retailers want high quality and reliable supplies from the manufacturer or farmer, at the most competitive prices. Consumers are interested in obtaining high quality products at low prices. Clearly, there are conflicting interests here
GabAgricLtd deploy all the nine functions agribusiness marketing strategies, this is probably the one which people find least difficulty in associating with marketing. Indeed to many the terms marketing and selling are synonymous. Kotler7 suggests that: “Most firms practice the selling concept when they have over capacity. Their immediate aim is to sell what they can make rather than to make what they can sell.”
There is no denying that ‘high pressure selling’ is practiced,agri-world of market, where the interests of the consumer are far from foremost in the mind of the seller. This is not marketing. Enterprises adopt the marketing philosophy as a result of becoming aware that their own long term objectives can only be realised by consistently providing customer satisfaction. Whereas selling might create a consumer, marketing is about creating a customer. For GabAgric Ltd marketing is about establishing and maintaining long term relationships with customers.Our approach is we market to produce.
Provision of Hedge market to Farmers
Mechanization services to outgrowers
GabAgric provides a pool of services in the form of Equipment Bank. The Bank is located at Gwollu in the Sissala West District. It comprises of tractors, ploughs, harrows, rippers, planters, multi-crop threshers, and mini trucks. These services are targeted at women and youth with the aim of increasing their productivity and income.
Our model farm at Duunanyoli is a crucial site for showcasing observable and successful mechanization practices. The model farm (1200 acres) is used for both commercial farming and training grounds for tractor operators, Extension Agents, farmers and other stakeholders.
The successes of our model farm has led to the formation of value-chain partnerships and a community of best practices.
GabAgric is also the leading provider of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) mechanization services led by a team of well trained and qualified mechanization experts and skilled operators in the upper west region.
GabAgric Ltd capacity to reduce intermediaries to manipulate margins at the expense of producers and consumers is a critical service delivery to farmer. The generation of buyer-oriented monopoly powerPrices for farm products rise and fall due to changes in the supply or demand fundamentals, real or perceived, for that product. Periods of tight supplies usually cause high or low prices. Farmers do not often have stored grain or marketable plans on hand at a time when the price is high or low.
Hedging, using futures contracts, is an alternative way to lock in prices in higher priced periods. What is a Hedging, by strict definition, is the act of taking opposite positions in the cash and futures markets. To understand what a hedge is, first recognize that there are 2 markets: the cash market is the physical market where farm production is actually bought and sold the commodity futures market is the paper market where futures contracts are bought and sold. This practice by GabAgric Ltd in a fragile market like Ghana commodities market give fairness.
Technology Transfer & Best-bet Practices to Farmers
Our team of highly trained agric. professionals with knowledge in modern and innovative technologies work with our farmers to improved farm productivity and profits. Our Farm Enterprise Advisors (FEAs) are community based and always at hand to provide the needed guidance to our esteemed outgrowers.
"Bridging the financial gap with farmers to access working capital"